


Fionn Tierney:都柏林维京水花之旅. 

在周六, June 22nd I joined my fellow classmates Cavainna, 多诺万, and Eric on a Viking Splash Tour in 都柏林 Centre. 在维京之旅中, we got to wear special Viking helmets and ride on a duck boat through 都柏林 to a canal that leads to the River Liffey. 当我们骑马穿过城市时, we 是 told about some history of the buildings and the rich history of the Vikings that once occupied the city. 

Our tour guide made some funny jokes and even sang some traditional Irish songs. After the tour we headed down by Stephen’s green and went to a famous 都柏林 café chain called KC Peaches. 然后, 在享用了一些茶和三明治之后, we returned on the ‘Thirty-nine A’ Ongar bus back to University College 都柏林. 


After a relatively eventful Friday, I decided to make Saturday mostly a rest day. I chose to read in my own room and play some games, but the call to explore was strong and my room a bit too small. I spent a good hour exploring the 都柏林 campus, wandering around the buildings and trying to figure out how each part I walked connected with the daily morning trip from our rooms to the health center for classes. The entire walk was refreshing and a good way to clear my mind. 

星期天早上,我挥手告别惠特尼, 我们的一个协调员, 她离开去继续她的冒险.

在下午, I went into town to get toiletries and had “fun” learning how the bus routes work while returning to campus, mainly by finding out that a bus route works two ways, 而我却走错了方向. The tension of realizing I was on the wrong bus and that staying on would make my trip back longer was something I wasn't expecting to experience twice.


This Sunday at noon I attended a Drag Brunch at Wigwam, a restaurant on Abbey Street known for hosting such events and other live performances. With three friends in tow, we arrived at 1:00 p.m., just in time to see our Queens for the afternoon preparing their sets. Wigwam appeared no different from the street than any other pub, but once entered it transformed into a medley of colors, from the blue and magenta lights to the many dozens of pride flags donning the entirety of the ceiling. 这家餐馆很窄, taking up exactly as much room as allotted by the old building code, 虽然它向内延伸得很远, culminating in a stage and an open floor at the far end.

We 是 placed at a table in the center of the open floor, just below the stage area where many others sat looking down. 我们点了食物和饮料, and two of us ordered their spicy chicken and waffles, which was so tasty and as crispy as can be—seriously, 辛辣的枫糖浆令人难以置信! 

Our entertainment for the afternoon was provided by the glorious Aria Nasty and Francesca Filler, who began their performances first by going around the floor and greeting everyone. 在场两人, 其中一个就在我们这桌, 是, 女王们这样称呼他们, 把处女. They alternated sets with one intermission during our 2-½ hour-long stay. With music ranging from mid-80s anthems to contemporary queer music, 当然也包括查普尔·罗安, 这里有适合每个人的东西. It was truly a great way to spend a Sunday afternoon.
