


When you transfer to Landmark College you are not alone; our transfer population represents nearly half of our student body!

不管你是在找一个 暑期项目,短期 桥的经验,一年的过渡,或完成你的 学位 at Landmark College, we have the program you need for the education and career you want.

你在大学里为成功而奋斗吗? 我们的 桥的经验 offers short-term intensive support for current college students.

  • 加强你的学习技能
  • 扩大你的社交圈和领导能力
  • Identify your learning style and build successful learning strategies
  • Get the support you need for the 学位 and career you want



(Note: Current LC students looking to transfer to another college or university should visit our 职业联系页面.)

  • 转到Landmark College就像1-2-3一样简单. 我们的 transfer counselors will help guide you through the process step by step:

    1. 应用

    • 一份完整的入学申请表.
    • 申请费$75,收款人为地标学院
      The fee is required unless you submit a fee waiver request.

    2. 提交成绩单和考试成绩

    • Official transcripts of all high school and college work
    • Psycho-Educational Testing—Tests must be administered within three years of applying and must include:
      • 认知测试
        A series of standardized tests used to evaluate the cognitive and intellectual abilities of the student. 完整的分数, 跳越没力包括, are required to provide a comprehensive understanding of the applicant.请提交下列其中一项: 
        • 韦氏成人智力量表(WAIS)
        • 韦氏儿童智力量表(WISC)
        • 伍德考克·约翰逊认知测验
      • 阅读成绩测验
        Provides a three-dimensional picture of the applicant’s reading abilities, 测量词汇发展, 阅读理解, 阅读速度.请提交下列其中一项:
        • 韦氏个人成就测验
        • 伍德考克·约翰逊成就测验
        • 尼尔森丹尼阅读测验
        • 格雷口语阅读测验(GORT)
    • 学习障碍的诊断, 注意力缺陷多动症, or ASD (must have been diagnosed within three years of applying)
      Current diagnosis by a professional is a requirement for admission to Landmark College. (Students who do not have a current diagnosis are encouraged to contact the Office of 亚洲博彩平台排名 to discuss their individual situation/circumstances.)
    • 个人陈述 (可选)
    • 老师推荐信(s) (可选)
      This should be completed by a teacher or professor in an academic subject who knows you well. 你可以提交额外的建议.
    • SAT或ACT分数 (可选)

    3. 与转学顾问会面

    • 报名参加周二转学活动


    The priority financial aid deadline for completed applications is July 1. To be considered for financial aid at Landmark College, you must submit the FAFSA(免费申请联邦学生援助).

  • The Landmark College 金融援助 Office understands that reaching one’s education goal is both a personal and a financial decision. There is a great deal of responsibility involved in pursuing a college 学位, and both prospective and currently enrolled students require a commitment and sensitivity to their personal and financial needs. 在地标学院, we make every effort to assist qualified students in finding the financial resources necessary to cover the cost of a college education. Please feel free to review and print our comprehensive 助学金小册子[PDF].

    我们的 financial aid packages typically consist of a mix of state and federal grants and loans, 以及大学奖学金的支持. You are invited to learn about funding sources available to you, including a 医疗税扣除,是地标学院独有的.

    我们鼓励家庭开始 财政援助流程 尽快. 我们的 学费 are reflective of our specialized approach, yet we make every effort to make Landmark affordable. 我们建议你方使用我方的 净价计算器 来确定你的个人成本.

    We are partners in this process of financing your education and are here to assist you. We have compiled a great deal of information on our website to help you navigate through 财政援助流程. We welcome your questions and look forward to working with you through your time here at Landmark College.

    The priority financial aid deadline for completed applications is July 1. To be considered for financial aid at Landmark College, you must submit the FAFSA(免费申请联邦学生援助).

  • Transfer students at Landmark College receive individualized, personal assistance during the application process and throughout their Landmark College education. All applicants are assigned an 亚洲博彩平台排名 and financial aid counselor. We recognize that going through the transfer 亚洲博彩平台排名 process may seem overwhelming and we’re here to help every step of the way. 作为学生, transfers meet frequently with their advisors who help them progress both in and out of the classroom. 所有转学生都被分配了一个 学术顾问 他们每周都会和他们见面. The 学术顾问 provides support around issues of time management, 组织, 工作完成情况. 我们的 职业生涯的连接 office works with students who are interested in internships, 校园就业, and other opportunities to make connections between work and 学者. Their advisors and counselors also help map out their program of study—whether it’s an associates or bachelor’s 学位. Transfer students who come to Landmark College for just a 桥的经验 or year work with their advisors to ensure they get the support they need to successfully transfer back to their original college or university.

I really struggled during my first two years at another college. Landmark College opened my eyes to see that it’s okay to approach things differently.”
——ryan Manley, 17岁,来自德克萨斯州Woodlands

Ryan transferred to Landmark College after attending the Summer Program for 访问ing College Students. As a student here, he launched his first start-up company, Ohmnii, LLC, with several classmates. 他得了A.A. 在地标学院的通识教育.
