
版权政策 & 支持

Copyright Statement

It is the intent of Landmark College that all members of the College community adhere to the provisions of the United States Copyright Law (Title 17, United States Code, Sect. 101,等等). Members of the College community who willfully disregard the copyright policy do so at their own risk and assume all liability.

For the Landmark College policy on the copyrightable works created by the College's faculty and staff while engaged in College-associated activities, 请浏览 Landmark College Intellectual Property Policy.

Copyright Clearance

Landmark College maintains an institutional license with the Copyright Clearance Center (CCC) for copyright permissions from thousands of publishers.

访问CCC RightFind publication 搜索, register, and enter either the book or journal's:

  • publication title (of the book or journal – not the essay, chapter, or article)
  • 或ISBN / ISSN
  • 或出版商...

...and your results list will indicate whether use is covered by the license, and under what terms (if any).


The Landmark College 图书馆 offers assistance with:

  • Using the Copyright Clearance Center's RightFind publication 搜索.
  • Finding other options for resources not covered by the CCC license.
  • Finding resources on copyright issues pertaining to faculty and staff, such as this collection of Fair Use analysis tools.

The 图书馆 staff cannot, however, offer any legal advice about copyright.

Digital Millennium Copyright Act Agent

In accordance with the Digital Millennium Copyright Act ("DMCA"), Pub. L. 105-304, Landmark College has designated a DMCA代理 to receive notification of alleged copyright infringement occurring in the fc-daudenzell.com域. 联系 (电子邮件保护) to report any concerns.

电子邮件((电子邮件保护)), call (802-387-1648), or visit the 图书馆 with any questions.

Copyright of Images

For information regarding the proper use of images please refer to the flyer below. 

Thumbnail of Copyright Flyer

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